Indian Ridge HOA Parking Permits
Parking Permits are free to HOA members in good standings, $3.00 each for non-members.
Rules and Procedures
The procedure for on-street parking permits, allowed under Osceola County Ordinance #12-10, shall be as follows:
1. On-street permits are for the purpose of providing a parking area for residents, visitors, and owner’s visitors.
2. No parking on-street after 2:00am under any circumstances. Occasional pool overflow parking may be granted upon request.
3. Permits must be requested through the Homeowners Association, in advance of their need, and responses will be made at reasonable times, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
4. Request forms for on-street parking permits must contain name, address, phone number, date or dates permits are needed, and hours required.
5. Permits may be requested for use between the hours of 8 a.m. and 2 a.m. Permits may be requested for one (1) day and up to fourteen (14) consecutive days.
6. The number of permits allowed, is limited by Ordinance #12-10, to a maximum of eight and will not be issued for overnight parking.
7. All parked vehicles must display the permit on the dashboard so as to be visible from outside the vehicle.
8. All vehicles for each home having permits must be parked on one side of the street in the direction of traffic.
9. When permits are issued to residents for visitors on opposite sides of a street for the same time and day, vehicles shall not be parked closer than 100 feet from the vehicles parked on the opposite side of the street.
10. The permit does not give anyone the right to park on any grass, on any part of the right of way, block any driveway, nor allow anyone to park closer than the legal limit for fire hydrants, crosswalks, stop signs and street corners, or on any street posted as a no parking zone.
11. Failure to observe these procedures may result in a citation issued by a Code Enforcement Officer or a Deputy Sheriff and may be cause for not issuing further permits. Request Forms will be available to download at